Seminarthemen (unausgarbeitet) ************************************ Daniel Schmid! Strong Scaling of Matrix Multiplication Algorithms and Memory-Independent Communication Lower Bounds (Brief Announcement, SPAA 2012) Grey Ballard, James Demmel, Olga Holtz, Benjamin Lipshitz, and Oded Schwartz ------------------------------------------------------- Bastian Pirk @inproceedings{tsigas2003simple, title={A simple, fast parallel implementation of quicksort and its performance evaluation on SUN enterprise 10000}, author={Tsigas, Philippas and Zhang, Yi}, booktitle={Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, 2003. Proceedings. Eleventh Euromicro Conference on}, pages={372--381}, year={2003}, organization={IEEE} } ------------------------------------------------------ Luben Alexandrov! A simple, fast and scalable non-blocking concurrent fifo queue for shared memory multiprocessor systems Authors Philippas Tsigas, Yi Zhang Publication date 2001/7/3 Conference name Proceedings of the thirteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures Pages 134-143 Publisher ACM Description Abstract A non-blocking FIFO queue algorithm for multiprocessor shared memory systems is presented in this paper. The algorithm is very simple, fast and scales very well in both symmetric and non-symmetric multiprocessor shared memory systems. Experiments on a 64- node SUN Enterprise 10000—a symmetric multiprocessorsystem—and on a 64-node SGI Origin 2000—a cache coherent non uniform memory access multiprocessorsystem— indicate that our algorithm considerably outperforms the best of the known alternatives in ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tobias Zirr! Title Scans as primitive parallel operations Authors Guy E. Blelloch Publication date 1989/11 Journal name Computers, IEEE Transactions on Volume 38 Issue 11 Pages 1526-1538 Publisher IEEE Description Abstract A study of the effects of adding two scan primitives as unit-time primitives to PRAM (parallel random access machine) models is presented. It is shown that the primitives improve the asymptotic running time of many algorithms by an O (log n) factor, greatly simplifying the description of many algorithms, and are significantly easier to implement than memory references. It is argued that the algorithm designer should feel free to use these operations as if they were as cheap as a memory reference. The author describes five ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yvonne Braun Title Fast shared-memory algorithms for computing the minimum spanning forest of sparse graphs Authors David A Bader, Guojing Cong Publication date 2006/11/30 Journal name Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Volume 66 Issue 11 Pages 1366-1378 Publisher Academic Press Description Minimum spanning tree (MST) is one of the most studied combinatorial problems with practical applications in VLSI layout, wireless communication, and distributed networks, recent problems in biology and medicine such as cancer detection, medical imaging, and proteomics, and national security and bioterrorism such as detecting the spread of toxins through populations in the case of biological/chemical warfare. Most of the previous attempts for improving the speed of MST using parallel computing are too complicated to ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ge Wu! entwickeln und präsentieren Sie einen parallelen Algorthmus für das closest-pair Problem, der mit linearer Arbeit auskommt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tobias Meyer und Vitaly Henne * Graph500 Challenge Präsentierung und was ist der Stand der Technik -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top 500 wie wird die LU Dekomposition dahinter heutzutage parallelisiert ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Themen aus Kumar, Karypis et. al (Introduction to Parallel Computing) * Embedding other Networks into a Hypercube Bei der Arbeit werden die Möglichkeiten betrachtet, Netzerke der Form linearer Ketten, Gitter und Binärbäume in ein Hypercube einzubetten, und die Vorteile der Abbildungen untersucht. (Kapitel 2.5 in Kumar, Karypis et. al, Introduction to Parallel Computing) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Isoeffizienz als Maß der Skalierbarkeit Parallele Algorithmen können meist ihre Effizienz bei Erhöhen der Prozessorenzahl nur bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Eingabegröße erhalten. Mit der Isoeffizienz wird dieses Maß an Skalierbarkeit formalisiert. (Kapitel 4.4 in Kumar, Karypis et. al, Introduction to Parallel Computing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander Hantelmann! * Parallelisierung von Dynamischer Programmierung Algorithmen basierende auf dynamischer Programmierung sind oft leicht parallelisierbar. In der Arbeit sollen vier Klassen von dynamischen Programmierungsalgorithem betrachtet werden, zu denen generische parallele Algorithmenschemas angegeben werden können. Von den vier Klassen sollen Algorithmen zu zwei genauer vorgestellt werden. (Kapitel 9 in Kumar, Karypis et. al, Introduction to Parallel Computing) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ausgewählte Teile aus Solving sparse Systems of Linear Equations Vorstellung selbst ausgewählter Themen im Rahmen der vorgegebenen Vortragszeit aus den Kapiteln 11.1 und 11.2 des Lehrbuchs. (Kapitel 11.1 und 11.2 in Kumar, Karypis et. al, Introduction to Parallel Computing) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emanuel Schrade! @techreport{Satish08, author = {Nadathur Satish and Mark Harris and Michael Garland}, title = {Designing Efficient Sorting Algorithms for Manycore {GPUs}}, month = sep, year = 2008, institution = {NVIDIA Corporation}, type = {NVIDIA Technical Report}, number = {NVR-2008-001}, } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valentin Buchhold! @article{DeanG10, author = {Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat}, title = {MapReduce: a flexible data processing tool}, journal = {Commun. ACM}, volume = {53}, number = {1}, year = {2010}, pages = {72--77}, ee = {}, bibsource = {DBLP,} } ---------------------------------------------------- @Article{KarZha93, author = "R. M. Karp and Y. Zhang", title = "Parallel Algorithms for Backtrack Search and Branch-and-Bound", journal = jacm, year = 1993, volume = 40, number = 3, pages = "765--789", } @TechReport{Ran90, author = "A. Ranade", title = "A Simpler Analysis of the {K}arp-{Z}hang Parallel Branch-and-Bound Method", institution = "University of California Berkeley", year = 1990, annote = "Analyse von Karp/Zhangs Algorithumus verbessert (Isoeffizienzfunktion n log n) und Beweis braucht nur 3 Seiten. Deley Sequence Argument" } --------------------------------------------------- Valentin Buchhold: MapReduce Emanuel Schrade: Manycore Sorting Alexander Hantelmann: Dynamische Programmierung Tobias Meyer und Vitaly Henne: Graph500 Challenge Ge Wu: closest pair Yvonne Braun: minimum spanning forest Tobias Zirr: scans Luben Alexandrov: FIFOs Bastian Pirk: quicksort Daniel Schmid: strong scaling of matrix multiplication Noch frei: Top 500 Benchmark Embedding other Networks into a Hypercube Isoeffizienz als Maß der Skalierbarkeit Solving sparse Systems of Linear Equations Branch-and-Bound a la Karp Zhang