Parallele Algorithmen Programmieraufgaben

Table of Contents

1 Reduce and AllReduce for non-powers-of-two (1 participant)

Goal: Implement AllReduce() and Reduce() in Thrill's network layer for \(p\) workers with \(p \neq 2^k\). Add enough test cases to check the code's correctness. Prepare a short presentation on how this algorithm works.

Thrill requires AllReduce and Reduce collective operations. For \(2^k\) the hypercube algorithm presented in the lecture is used. For non-\(2^k\), however, currently only a trivial \(2 \log_2 p\) reduction algorithm is used. For performance, one really wants to use a \(\log_2 p + O(1)\) algorithm. The following paper proposes such an algorithm, which is composed of a hierarchy of butterfly exchanges:

Rabenseifner, Rolf, and Jesper Larsson Träff. "More Efficient Reduction Algorithms for Non-Power-of-Two Number of Processors in Message-Passing Parallel Systems." In Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 36–46. LNCS 3241. Springer, 2004.

See the trivial and hypercube AllReduce() implementations in Thrill as a starting point:

2 Parallel Breadth-First-Search Frontier (1 participant)

Goal: Write a parallel breadth-first search in Thrill. Apply the algorithm on generated and real-world graphs.

The graph should be stored as a DIA of vector<size_t>, within which each index describes the outgoing edges of a vertex. Determine how to perform a BFS using ReduceToIndex to represent the queues. In the presentation discuss into how ReduceToIndex works internally and how the queues are processed.

Buluç, Aydin, and Kamesh Madduri. "Parallel breadth-first search on distributed memory systems." Proceedings of 2011 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. ACM, 2011.

3 Bisecting \(k\)-means Clustering (1 participant)

Goal: Implementation of the bisecting K-Means clustering Algorithm in Thrill. Test it on generated or real-world benchmarks inputs.

The "standard" \(k\)-means algorithm is Lloyd's algorithms which performs \(k\) iterations and calculates new centers as the average of previous classifications. The following authors present a different algorithms for iteratively improving \(k\)-means clusters:

Steinbach, Michael, George Karypis, and Vipin Kumar. "A comparison of document clustering techniques." KDD workshop on text mining. Vol. 400. No. 1. 2000.

Figure out how to parallelize the sequential base algorithm or transcribe the Spark code into Thrill/C++. Test your code on appropriate inputs.

Spark Implementation:

4 HyperLogLog (2 participants) [UNFINISHED]

Goal: a new Thrill DIA Operation HyperLogLog = Count Distinct Approximation.

Flajolet, Philippe, et al. "Hyperloglog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm." DMTCS Proceedings 1 (2008).

Heule, Stefan, Marc Nunkesser, and Alexander Hall. "HyperLogLog in practice: algorithmic engineering of a state of the art cardinality estimation algorithm." Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology. ACM, 2013.

Presentation by Robert Sedgewick:

5 Gaussian Mixture Clustering (1 participant) [UNFINISHED]

Goal: Same as with Bisecting K-Means Clustering.

Spark Implementierung:

Uses a matrix library, but it should be possible to implementation without.

6 Linear Regression with Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimization (3 participants) [UNFINISHED]

Goal: micro-batch SGD Algorithm in Thrill.

This project is large, but mainly about correctly modeling the inputs to the SGD optimization algorithm.

Author: Timo Bingmann

Created: 2016-12-22 Thu 15:40
