Things You Shouldn’t do in the State of Ihram


Ihram is a specific dress or attire for Hajj and Umrah. When men and women perform Hajj or Umrah, they wear the state of Ihram. As part of the pilgrimage ceremonies, Muslims must follow the rules after wearing Ihram attire.

Do you know that Ihram is the first ritual of Umrah and Hajj? Have you ever wondered why it’s necessary to wear Ihram? When you wear Ihram, there are specific rules that you should follow. You must be mindful of all the dos and don’ts of Ihram to get incalculable favours and rewards of pilgrimage.

Note: Availing the knowledge of “Things you shouldn't do in the state of Ihram” is the best, like getting travel packages for Hajj and Umrah.

Here are a few things that you shouldn’t do in the state of Ihram:

Don’t use aroma or fragrance:

Once you enter the state of Ihram, you can’t use fragrance, aromatic cleanser or any scent. Using or applying fragrance on hair, dress, body, etc., is unsuitable for pilgrims of Hajj or Umrah. This incorporates using anything that draws you by the scratch of its scent or smell, such as rose oil, sandalwood, etc.

Ladies shouldn’t cover their faces and hands:

Covering your head or a portion of your head as a woman is prohibited during Hajj or Umrah. Ensure that you are not covering the hands and faces as a woman. It’s forbidden for women – make sure this. Most ladies cover their hands/faces with gloves/masks, but you shouldn’t do this.

For the men to cover their heads:

Covering your head as a man is prohibited while in Hajj or Umrah. Indeed, uncovering your head only implies showing your hair that you must cut at the end of Hajj or Umrah. Holding an umbrella or wearing a lean band around your head doesn’t mean the head covering.

Don’t wear the sewn clothes:

Sewn clothes are not allowed to be worn during Hajj or Umrah. You can wear sewn clothes once you perform Umrah, specifically for men. On the other hand, women are allowed to wear sewn clothes such as an Abaya – which is their Ihram. Wear only a black or white Abaya, which are modest colours that suit the pilgrimage environment.

Hunting/killing animals or insects:

Hunting, killing, or harming any living creature is prohibited during Umrah and Hajj. It includes harming animals, insects, birds, or any living creature. However, this restriction exists for some specific exceptions.

Here are some other acts that you should avoid during Ihram:

  • Wearing shoes that cover ankles for men
  • Covering head for men
  • Covering face for women
  • Using perfume or scent
  • Shaving or removing body hair
  • Engaging in any intercourse
  • Getting marrying
  • Killing living creatures
  • Using foul language
  • Using bad words or lousy thinking for others
  • Making disputes
  • Disturbing others
  • Damaging the Ihram attire

Tips once you are in Ihram attire

  • Prepare your Ihram dress for Hajj or Umrah.
  • If you have already, pack this; otherwise, you can buy it from Saudi Arabia.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the Ihram, as you have to wear it throughout your pilgrimage performance.
  • Maintain your patience and be positive.
  • If you need any guidance, seek advice from scholars or look for sources from the internet.

Final Thoughts

By finalizing this article, Ihram is a necessary step of your pilgrimage, and you must wear this once you intend to perform the pilgrimage. You must know this is the mandatory step of primary and lesser pilgrimage. Once you are in the pilgrimage’s specific dress, follow its rules and traditions. Moreover, understanding your pilgrimage’s main motive is necessary– spiritual reflection and renewal. If you don’t know any specific rules or guidelines, please consult with the concerned ones.

Courtesy by: Labbaik Hajj Umrah Travel Agency

Topic revision: r1 - 17 Mar 2024, AnnyDavid
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